「式創加能.高纖」運動及控制體重配方 800克 / CXFORMERGY . High Fiber Sport and Weight Control Formulation 800G



「式創加能.高纖」含高濃度抗性澱粉和天然水溶性纖維,能提供長效低升糖能量而不致肥,適合減肥、三高人仕及運動愛好者。 "Cxformergy.High Fiber" contains high concentrations of resistant starch and natural soluable fiber, providing long-lasting, low glycemic energy without causing weight gain. It is suitalbe for weight loss, people with glycemic problem, and sports enthusiasts.

Product Details


1. 每天飲一次(特別需求者兩次),50克(兩匙)粉, 混在300ML冷水或室温水內搖勻後飲用。(請在20分鐘內飲完)
2. 戒除日常普通澱粉質和糖分,酒精
3. 餐前先用蔬果令自己有飽足感
4. 長期保持5-7分飽
5. 清淡飲食



在運動20分鐘前把50克(兩匙)粉, 混在300ML冷水或室温水內搖勻後飲用。(請在20分鐘內飲完)


Weight Loss Instructions:
1. Drink once a day (twice for special needs), mixing 50 grams (two scoops) of powder in 300 ml of cold or room temperature water. Shake well before drinking. (Please finish within 20 minutes)
2. Avoid regular consumption of carbohydrates, sugars, and alcohol.
3. Before meals, eat fruits and vegetables to create a feeling of fullness.
4. Maintain a feeling of being 5-7 out of 10 on the fullness scale long-term.
5. Follow a light diet.

Instructions for Enhancing Exercise Performance and Endurance:
Drink a mixture of 50 grams (two scoops) of powder in 300 ml of cold or room temperature water 20 minutes before exercising. Shake well before drinking. (Please finish within 20 minutes)

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